Sorry for the probably dumb question but I haven’t found the spot where I can enable mail notifications.
I’ve used other Discourse forums where the mail notifications for new topics and replies were enabled by default but here I cannot even find the place where I can enable them.
Thanks for the question, Ill have a look and see if there is anything I can do. Otherwise I will raise an issue with discourse if its a matter of the feature not working right.
Thanks for your reply, did not get a notification mail again. I just checked the spam folder but there was no mail from the Payara forum.
Of course it could be that our mail server’s spam list rejected the mail. Does the mail notification feature work for you? I mean if I am the only one complaining maybe the mail is really bounced by our mail server.
I’m not sure if setting the Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic to always may help or not.
Hi @charlee_ch ,
thanks for the information. In the meantime it started to work magically. Most probably it was stuck somewhere in our mail server’s spam filter. (at least that is my assumption since it started to work after asking our mail server admins )