I am unable to implement non-persistent EJBTimer using version 6.2023.5 . It used to work on version 5.2022. I am getting excetption RAR5099 : Wrong class name or classpath for Datasource Object
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource
Since I am using a non-persistent timer, I’m not sure why it is using a datasource at all. I see it is using __TimerPool which uses connection pool __TimerPool. I added Derby jar to my pom which contains EmbeddedXADataSource but still getting similar exception. I also tried using my own db schema and got a table not found exception.
I’ve researched a number of posts about this but have not seen a definitive answer. Some say to add the derby jar, some say to run an asadmin command to increase threads. I see that previous versions of payara had derby jars in javalib/lib. I’ve also seen comments about needing to delete files that may be left as a result of initially using __TimerPool.
I’m at a loss as it used to work in previous versions and also that I’m not using a persistent timer.