What's New In Jakarta EE 10 - Part 1

Jan 13 - 15:00GMT

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Jakarta EE 10 is the first feature release of the platform since its move to Eclipse Foundation. It comes with many new features and enhancements that will make you even more productive with the platform.

This first in a series of three Payara webinars takes a bird’s eye view of the notable changes in Jakarta EE 10 that enhance your use of the microservices architecture pattern. This installment of the series will take a look at:

  • Java SE 17 support
  • The lighter Core Profile
  • Fatless CDI, aka CDI Lite
  • OpenID Connect support in Security
  • Jakarta REST bootstrap API
  • Jakarta EE 10 support in Payara Platform

By the end of this fast paced, no slides webinar, you will have a grasp of what Jakarta EE 10 has to offer in using it to craft your microservices applications.

Don’t miss out on this exciting, rapid fire webinar that will bring you to speed with Jakarta EE 10!

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