How to configure JMS for Datagrid with multiple Deployment Groups?

Hello everyone,

We at our company are currently working on a Cloud based solution and want to set it up using the Datagrid feature provided by the Payara application server.

The datagrid is running using 4 instances for workload. These four instances are split into two Deployment Groups. We want to use Deployment Groups for managing and expanding the cloud applications without having to deploy every jar/war/application on every payara instance.

The big issue we face right now is related to JMS. We need it so the instances can communicate with each other. Simple examples like different applications on one payara server without a datagrid configuration (e.g. one Payara server with 3 applications running on localhost/desktop) work fine. But using a datagrid setup we can’t communicate across different deployment groups. So far message producer and consumer have to be within the same deployment group. Instances from the other deployment group never receive a message made by the producer.

So far we couldn’t find the solution to this problem in the documentation and online. Do you know if there is something specific we have to configurate to enable JMS messaging across deployment groups for the whole datagrid? Or are deployment groups supposed to isolate nodes (tbh I can’t imagine that)?

This is our setup:

  • Payara 5.2022.3
  • Oracle Java 2022-08-18 LTS
  • We use the embedded OpenMQ, that comes with Payara

Thank you very much for taking time to hear me out and I wish you a nice day.
Many thanks in advance,
