Missing web-common_6_0.xsd schema for web-app_6_0.xsd descriptor

I’ve converted my JEE8 to Jakarta EE10 application. I’m using openjdk version “” 2022-08-12. I opened a Windows command prompt and deployed the JEE10 application using asadmin to Payara 6.2022.1.Alpha4 Community edition.

Result: deployment reports error Cannot resolve the name ‘jakartaee:web-commonType’ to a(n) ‘group’ component.

The deployment behaviour also applies to deployment using payara-embedded-all (while running integration tests).

I have temporarily resolved this issue by cloning web-common_5_0.xsd to make web-common_6_0.xsd and updating the versions within the file. The file is not present in the Alpha4 distribution nor the payara-embedded-all distribution. My sample app did not recreate the issue, my real app did.

Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Hi @bethm,

Thank you for raising this issue, we are aware of this affecting Payara 6.2022.1.Alpha4. The following commit has fixed this issue FISH-6576 Jakarta EE 10 DDs schema definition file missing in Payara 6.x · payara/Payara@b0112d8 · GitHub therefore this will be resolved in Payara 6.2022.1

Best Regards,

Hi James, I’m happy to help and thank you. I initially considered raising this directly as a bug, proving the issue in a small sample seemed less straightforward, and I was hoping for other views before raising a bug report!