Unknown REST Endpoints listed

Hello, my team just migrated our existing tomee services to microprofile using payara. Everything went smooth, the only issue we encountered that, when starting the service, there are a lot of REST endpoints listed, a few of them we could identify, like openapi, but there are a lot more, and we couldn’t find a way to configure it.

'ROOT' REST Endpoints:
GET	/application.wadl
POST	/important/something_awesome
GET	/openapi-ui
GET	/openapi-ui/index.html
GET	/openapi-ui/logo.png
GET	/openapi-ui/style.css
GET	/openapi/
GET	/openapi/application.wadl
POST	/{context}/entity/{type}
PUT	/{context}/entity/{type}
DELETE	/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}
GET	/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}
DELETE	/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}/{attribute}
GET	/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}/{attribute}
POST	/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}/{attribute}
GET	/{context}/metadata
GET	/{context}/metadata/entity/{descriptorAlias}
GET	/{context}/metadata/query
GET	/{context}/metadata/query/{queryName}
GET	/{context}/query/{name}
POST	/{context}/query/{name}
GET	/{context}/singleResultQuery/{name}
GET	/{path: webjars/.*}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}
POST	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}
OPTIONS	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{entityName}
POST	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}
PUT	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}
DELETE	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}
DELETE	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}/{attribute}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}/{attribute}
POST	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/entity/{type}/{id}/{attribute}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata-catalog
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata-catalog/entity/{entityName}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata-catalog/query/{queryName}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata/entity/{descriptorAlias}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata/query
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/metadata/query/{queryName}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/query/{name}
OPTIONS	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/query/{name}
POST	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/query/{name}
GET	/{version : v\d\.\d|latest}/{context}/singleResultQuery/{name}

In this service we only have one endpoint:

POST	/important/something_awesome

and we don’t know where the other endpoints come from.
Any ideas how to configure it, so we can get rid of all of these endpoints? Any help is much appreciated!

See java - How to remove extra rest apis exposed by eclipselink version greter than 3.x? - Stack Overflow