Easy Jakarta EE Integration Testing with Payara and Testcontainers

In this webinar collaboration by Payara and AtomicJar, you will learn about the best practices for integration testing for Jakarta EE applications.

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One major issue when developing modern enterprise applications is the “works on my machine” problem: when an application works well on your machine but is not functional in production or even on a colleague’s machine. An even more prevalent problem is to maintain the quality of ever-changing applications during development and maintenance.

This is especially prevalent when Jakarta EE applications are developed and not properly tested in an isolated and cohesive manner. Proper integration testing helps to avoid both the “works on my machine” problem, and ensures developers can change the application effectively without breaking it. However often teams struggle with it, due to a lack of standardized testing solutions and the unpredictability of real-world conditions.

Payara Service Manager Fabio Turizo and AtomicJar Lead Developer Advocate Oleg Šelajev present an effective method for Jakarta EE integration testing, using Payara Platform and Testcontainers.


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