Payara 5 caching errors

Hello good morning.

I have an issue with the cache.

  1. If I visit an URL may be load all the content o may be not. On the network tab of Firefox devtools shows a lot of request with “HTTP 304 cached”.

  2. If I press Ctrl + F5 to reload, it loads all the content. Then if I press F5 I got the same error from point 1.

And also in some request Firefox shows NS_BINDING_ABORTED.

There is some place to configure cache policy?
Is a Hazelcast releated problem?

Thank you.


HTTP 304 is not an error: 304 Not Modified - HTTP | MDN

It means, that the required resource didn’t change on the server and browser can used the cached one, usually static html, js or css files.

NS_BINDING_ABORTED is a browser issue, which may happen e.g. when a page load is interrupted by a page navigation. Can you provide any example with this error?
