Production domain

What is the best configuration for a production domain? And how to setup this configuration?

Suggestion: it would be great if the new releases of payara community includes a production domain just like it was before.

Hi Alan,
Many thanks for your response.
In fact, the last time I have seen production-domain.jar was in 5.2020.4 (under common/templates/gf/)
Now, community edition doesn’t include it any more :frowning:
Any suggestion how to create it will be really helpful :slight_smile:

Hi Alan,

Many thanks again for your quick answer.
One of the reasons why Payara is my favorite application server is its documentation like the one on the link you provided.
However, I will try the 2nd solution using an old production-domain.jar even if I totally agree that the enterprise subscription would be the solution to go. Unfortunately, it is not a solution for the time being.


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